Manifest Your Best Life in 2024: The Science and Benefits of Creating a Vision Board

The new year is looming and as we are meandering our way to welcoming in 2024, it's the perfect time to make a little space and to think about where you are right now, where you want to be and to get clear on your intentions. I’m not huge on New Year resolutions but it is a great time to get a little reflective. To look back on the year that has been and to start to look to the future.

I want to share with you something that I’ve found hugely helpful, Vision Boards or Action Boards. We are going to dive into the science and benefits of using that and then I will give you my step-by-step guide to help you manifest your dreams for 2024.

What Is a Vision Board?

But first, let's start at the beginning. What even is a Vision Board? Well, quite simply, a vision board is a visual representation of your aspirations, your goals. It’s a tangible canvas for your dreams. It's a tool rooted in self-help, manifestation and visualisation. A vision board can encompass various aspects of your life, from home and family to career, relationships, love, luck, experiences, and beyond. It's a deeply personal journey into your dream future.

The Science Behind Vision Boards

Now, it’s important to note that creating a vision board isn't just a whimsical exercise; it has a foundation in science:

  1. Visualization and the Reticular Activating System (RAS): When you consistently focus on images and words representing your goals, you activate the reticular activating system in your brain. This system filters out irrelevant information and helps you notice opportunities and resources related to your aspirations. [Source: Psychology Today]

  2. Positive Psychology: Vision boards align with principles of positive psychology, emphasizing the importance of focusing on strengths, aspirations, and positive emotions to lead a fulfilling life. [Source: Positive Psychology Program]

  3. Affirmations and Self-Belief: Many vision board creators incorporate affirmations alongside images. Repeated exposure to affirmations can affect self-belief and motivation. [Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology]

  4. Goal Setting and Achievement: Goal setting is a well-established method for achieving success. Vision boards are a visual form of goal setting, helping you clarify your objectives and take actionable steps. [Source: American Psychological Association]

Benefits of Creating a Vision Board

So there is most definitely science to back up this practice but what will it actually give you - what are the benefits of you creating your very own Vision Board? Because the benefits are very real if you take your time and you do this properly.

  1. Clarity and Focus: A vision board compels you to clarify your goals and maintain focus on them. When you carefully select and arrange images and words that represent your desires, you bring clarity to your aspirations.

  2. Visualization: Vision boards help you consistently visualize your goals, aligning your subconscious mind with your conscious intentions. This alignment reinforces your commitment to manifesting your dreams.

  3. Overcoming Fear and Doubt: The process of creating a vision board encourages you to confront fear and doubt. It challenges limiting beliefs, allowing you to ask, "If fear and doubt were not standing in my way, what would I really want to manifest into my life?"

  4. Expanded Possibilities: Vision boards give you the freedom to dream big and expand the limits of your mind. They encourage you to think beyond conventional boundaries.

Steps to Create a Powerful Vision Board for 2024

Here are my steps to creating your very own Vision Board. This is something that I’ve done a few times and I will absolutely be doing for the new year.

1. Set the Scene: It’s all about the ritual! Create a sacred space for the creation of your vision board. Light candles, play music, and make the experience meaningful to foster vulnerability and courage. Seriously, it’s easy to overlook this part but I believe that by setting the scene, you are taking the first step in setting your intentions. It also helps you to start to dream big.

2. Create: Use a large piece of cardstock or poster board. At the top, write the future date by which you intend to manifest your vision board's contents, such as "One year from now." Fill the board with images, words, and symbols representing your desires. Get creative with images from magazines, stickers, and colorful decorations, or keep it simple with words and text.

3. Clarity: Be specific when choosing elements for your vision board. Ensure that everything you include aligns with your authentic desires and is not influenced by others' expectations. What I mean by this is don’t add things that you think others want or expect for you. This is completely and utterly all about you. Know what success means to you and what it is that you really value. Don’t get distracted by material things.

4. Put It Somewhere Special: After completing your vision board, put it in a safe place where you can see it. This may be in your bedroom, in a wardrobe you use frequently where you’ll see it daily but it’s not in your face. This symbolizes trust in the manifesting process, allowing your thoughts and actions to align with your vision.

5. Visualize: If you want to supercharge the process try making the space to get quite and think about your board, what it is that you are wanting to manifest and start to learn how to visualise your future.

To do this, get into a space that you could quite easily sit and meditate. Again, set the scene, create a ritual around this. Then when you are seated, eyes closed, use your mind's eye to imagine that you've already manifested your vision board. Feel the emotions and vibrations associated with achieving your goals. You can also follow my guided manifesting visualization meditations for added focus.

6. Get Excited: Embrace the beginning of your manifesting journey with enthusiasm and optimism. Repeat affirmations like, "I am so excited for what is coming."

Creating a vision board for 2024 is more than just an artistic endeavor; it's a scientifically supported tool for personal growth and goal achievement. The New Year is an opportunity for a fresh start, and your vision board is the roadmap to manifesting your dreams in the year ahead. Embrace this opportunity, and may 2024 be the year you bring your aspirations to life.


