Have you discovered the Conscious Me Candles yet? I am pretty excited about them and wanted to talk about what makes them a little different and how they have started to take on a life of their own. I want to tell you why I am so passionate about them and how they have changed my course.

I’ll go back to the beginning though. When I was studying to become a meditation teacher, potentially one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made, one of our modules included The Artist’s Way. Part of this was to take ourselves off on ‘Artist’s Dates’ where we could try our hand at anything at all that as long as we did it ourselves and it involved a little creativity and inspiration. One of my dates with myself was to make a candle. Now, this candle was a cute little lavender fragranced number. I loved it. Now, I’ve always had a love of candles. From the way they look and smell to the ritual of lighting them. Maybe it’s the little dancing flame that transports me back to a more primordial time, the fun of sharing candle light with those that I love or it’s the act of slowing down when you light a candle. There’s a lot of love here. There was something special though as I made my first candle. It’s an incredibly mindful process and I will be in a flow state as I’m creating. There are a lot of components that have to be just right, with moving parts and of course, there are the mistakes, failures and learnings. There has been a LOT of learning. I failed, a lot. I learned, a lot. I created, a lot. I got to know what was important to me, and what wasn’t.

  • Shape was really important. I wanted something that would spark memories and delight.

  • Scent was really important. I wanted something that would transport me to different times and places. I wanted the scent to be functional, elegant and that would again, delight.

  • Nature was really important. I wanted something that wasn’t going to harm nature, that wasn’t tested on animals and was safe to use. I wanted my candles to be inspired by nature.

I started to get some foundations, which was pretty awesome. Then I wanted to go deeper. I'm no longer near some of the most special, the most loved people in my life and I wanted to see if my creativity could bring me closer to them and it could. I started thinking about the things that I learnt like my two nanna’s in England, that had their own outrageous garden full of fruit and vegetables. I thought about the long lunches, the dinners that were full of laughter and my travels that have taken me to some of the most amazing places in the world - with some of the most incredible people in my life. The history, the nature, the memories.

And there you are, the Conscious Me Candles were born. Each and every candle is hand made. Poured by hand and then sculptured by hand to make them all unique. The are created with a unique blend of natural soy and New Zealand beeswax. Cotton wicks that are safe to use. The molds are made from real fruit and vegetables (and even butter!) so that they look as real as possible. When fragrance is used, I make sure that it is safe, not tested on animals and works in every candle. I also test the candles, to make sure that I get long lasting candles that burn straight down (afterall, we don’t want candles that burn to quick or are too messy!) They are quite literally made with love.

This is just the start of the journey. So if you haven’t checked them out yet, take a look. Let me know what you think, how you’d use them, what you’d like to see. I hope that you love them as much as I do.


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