“We attract what we feel and what we believe.”

But let’s be often, how often are we aware of what’s going on for us? I love a good ritual, seriously, there is something rather luxurious about creating an experience where you are fully in the moment, focused on your mind, your thoughts, your hopes and dreams. So often we will avoid doing this because we don’t want to open up that Pandora’s box or maybe we don’t think that we are ‘worthy’ of getting the things that we really want. Maybe it’s an element of if we say it outloud, we will jinx it. Whatever the reason, whenever I speak to clients about goals, dreams, they will have a vague idea but hesitate in diving in deeper.

If this sounds familiar, I want to share a ritual with you. It’s a Manifestation Ritual and it’s a beautiful way of starting to think about, well, you! Think of this like creating the path to getting what it is that you really want. I really do believe in manifestation, it works for me because I believe that it works. It’s easy to get lost in the woo-woo but don’t get distracted, manifestation at its core, is about getting clear on what it is that you actually want and then helps you to build the path to getting what you want. Not the shiny ‘stuff’, but the important stuff. Figuring out purpose. How you want to feel. How you want to spend your time. Working out what’s important to you.

  1. Set the Scene

Let’s start by setting the scene. This is a ritual, so spend the time to create a space that feels open, safe, creative and yours. Creating a captivating ambiance is key for this manifestation ritual. Curate a serene and stylish space that reflects you. Ignite your senses with luxurious candles. Use music that sparks inspiration and creativity. Soft lighting and a comfy space to sit will really get you in the moment and make this a magical journey of manifestation. I want you to get really, outrageously bougie! Don’t overthink it, lean all the way into this and have fun!


Now that you’ve got your space, get your candle. I recommend the Palmistry Book candle as it’s perfect for all manifestation rituals, it’s bougie, colourful and it quite literally says that the future is in your hands! In all honesty, it’s fun and it helps me and is what I use, but use whatever candle that sparks playful, creativity for you.

Place it on a stable, safe surface. On something that won’t catch on fire (extremely important for all manifestation rituals, burning down the house is not the best of starts) and is away from drafts, small children and pets. Sit in front of it and light it. Staring at the flame, really take it in. Watching the flame, the wax melt, slow down your breathing and start to bring yourself into the moment. There is no where you need to be but here. Slowing down your breath will calm the nervous system. It will allow the space for creativity and dreaming. Follow your breath and then when you feel your whole body settle into this moment. Close your eyes.

3. The Meditation

With your eyes closed, start to picture yourself in your minds eye as you want to be. Thinking about this future you, how you want to feel, look, show up. Picture this version of you, looking back at you. What does this version of you feel like. How does this version of you spend their time. What do they do? Where do they go? Take it all in. You can even visualise this version of you telling you about their life. Sit with this new you and feel the energy. Now, picture yourself stepping into this version of yourself and live a day in this new self. Get specific if you can, but don’t worry if you can’t. If you struggle to visualise, just focus on what you want to feel like. Spend as much time here as you want.

4. Write it out

Now, open your eyes, grab a journal and write down what you want to manifest and why. Why is it important to you? How will this make you feel? Go bold, get crazy, write it all down.

5. Finish with an Affirmation

Once you’ve written down all your manifesting hopes and dreams, end your ritual with an affirmation or two that you can take with you. Here are some of my favourites:

  • I am worthy, I am enough, I am loved

  • I have limitless potential

  • I can handle any challenges that come my way

  • I am excited for what is coming

Feel free to come up with your own. Use them as screensavers, write them on post-its. Say them every morning, every evening.

Now, blow out your candle. This is to let it flow from you, so that you are not holding on too tightly. This is your way to signal your intentions.


